Spirit Contract

Royal Army Headquarters, inside the infirmary.

Jax clenched his fists as he looked at all the officers lying on the bed full of injuries.

When these people left yesterday morning, Jax expected it would take at least a few days before they returned. He also believed that when they returned, they would have accomplished their mission.

It never occurred to him that not even two days had passed and they already need to return with almost half of them including Vera severely injured. They even had to use the emergency transportation device to get all of them back without aggravating their injuries.

In the report submitted by Lieutenant Gianna, apart from 37 severely injured officers there were also three fatalities and one with unknown status, and that being Dior.

'Dior...' Jax closed his eyes.

Dior was a promising talent under Jax's command. He was a strict man, but that was only because he was also strict with himself.