Ancient Magic II

"The Ancient Magic is magic that composed this world," Stella started.

"Without any of these magic, the world will not be able to function properly."

A frown immediately crossed Kyran's face. He said, "Are you telling me that the world is not functioning properly now that draconic magic is no longer here?"

"Good question," Stella said with a smile. "Don't worry, while there are no Regis members today who can use draconic magic, it doesn't mean it's gone."

Kyran noticed how Stella said 'Regis' and not mages. He wanted to ask more questions about it but stopped and let Stella continue with her narration first.

"Go on."

With a small nod of acknowledgement, Stella continued. "As I said earlier, there are four ancient magic; Void, Time, Soul and Draconic. These four are very powerful that only selected humans could wield. To be precise, only those who had a certain body constitution present in a human could wield it."