Heaven's Rupture

Half an hour earlier.

Vera was inside the carriage, heading to one of the critical locations of the array the army had set up. The orb she read indicated that Mika and the rest of her team were already there.

The truth, her team was not aware that she would be joining the operation today because her injuries had not fully recovered. However, she could not stay idle, knowing that her team was out here.

While reading through the contents of the mission, she realized that the array they had prepared was very complex, and the whole operation was not what she had expected.

She thought her role was to amplify the magic array, the same way she and Dior did with the Four-colored Ruin array during their operation to capture Kyran.

Vera's brows knitted at the thought of him. Her blood started to boil, and her heartbeat rapidly. She had never hated anyone like this before. She would never forgive him for attacking her members mercilessly and leave them to die.