Regis Special Force

"Captain, Luka."

The leading officer from the reinforcement saluted at Luka as soon as they arrived.

Luka nodded his head and gestured for them to be at ease. He also noticed that the team with Jax earlier was included in their numbers.

'Good, I thought there had been casualties earlier when I did not see them. Looks like Major Jax ordered their retreat on time,' he thought.

"Major Jax is still inside this field with Lord Cade. We have yet to know the situation. For now, everyone will be on standby. We'll proceed according to plan. If we first hear from the two infiltration teams inside the Regis Inner Wall, we'll provide reinforcements as needed. Then the rest will stay and support the Major." Luka told them.

"Yes, Captain Luka."

"Harris, you and your members will guard Captain Vera while she is recuperating."

Harris, a man with short dark brown hair and green eyes in green uniform, stepped out from among the officers and saluted.

"Yes, Captain." He replied.