How To Mold Your Magic

After Kyran finished eating, he and Stella went to the training ground.

The training ground was located outside the northwest tower. It was built near the barracks where the Security Unit resides for easy accessibility.

The training ground itself was square in shape, with half was an open field, and the other half was a building with three floors. At one side of the field was the target area for archery. The other side was reserved for field exercises.

When Kyran and Stella entered the training ground, he noticed that it was empty even though the whole place was lit.

Stella led Kyran to the entrance going to the building. The entrance at the center were huge oak doors. It led to a small reception where two huge double doors were on each side. The door to the left led to a hall where smaller to medium-sized private training rooms were found. And the one on the right led to an arena.