Let's Meet Again

"I see. So my predecessor's experiences where also stored in my Void core."

Kyran lowered his gaze and fell into contemplation. If the Dark Sage's experiences were stored in his Void core, then there was a big chance that it also contained his 'emotions'. Kyran remembered his meeting with the Conclave. When they talked about the Founder's last wish, and Kyran doubted his motive, his thoughts shifted to the Royal Family. He thought his magic was acting up again when he felt 'angry' at the idea of the possibility that the Royal Family might have controlled the information about the Dark Sage. It did not occur to him that he was unconsciously attracting the Dark Sage's emotions stored in his Void core. 

The man nodded, confirming Kyran's thoughts.

"Correct. When your emotions resonates with an information in your magic core, your central core will be attracted to it."

Kyran sighed.