
Silas was shocked when he and Callan went to the Tower of Conclave.

He did not expect to directly go there when Callan told him the Head of Conclave wanted to speak with him.

He never thought a time would come where he would meet the Head of Conclave. After all, he was just an average mercenary.

Now, all he could do was sit in silence as they rode the carriage going to the Tower.

Callan looked at Silas and could not help but chuckle. It was not the first time he saw people get all nervous when told they would meet Malek. But seeing how nervous Silas was now, Callan wondered what his reaction would be if he found that he was not only going to meet Malek but also the Lord of the Tower?

"Young Silas, you do not have to be nervous," Callan said with a smile.

Silas looked up and smiled nervously. He said, "W-Well, I....."

"Why don't we talk for a bit? Do you have any questions you wanted to ask?"