First Sigil

Without taking his attention away from Byron, Kyran took out another bottle of energy replenishing potion and down it in seconds. His brows lifted when suddenly the wound on Byron's back slowly healed.

Kyran had seen a similar scene before when a Regis apprentice succeeded in taming a beast. After the Sigil integrated successfully into the beast, their physical body would improve. If they were wounded, then they would heal.

The back of Kyran's hand glowed, and slowly a mark of two intertwining dragons forming a circle, with a number one at the center, appeared.

'It worked,' Kyran thought with a smile while he looked at the mark.

This mark was proof that he had a Sigil and the number at the center was the number of his 'tamed' Sigil.

Byron slowly stirred in his sleep, and he soon opened his eyes.

"Argh..." he groaned as he slowly got up. "My head..." he rubbed his throbbing temples and tried to recall what had happened.