Lament Of The Souls (1)

After finishing their food,  Kyran led the girl to a pool of water inside the cave.

He found this pool of water while he was gathering dried woods to make fire.

The place was nicely lit because of numerous glowing stalactites in the ceiling. These stalactites were reflected beautifully on the surface of the water, giving it a very magical view.

The girl's grip on the back of Kyran's coat was firm as she trod carefully beside him. On the other hand, Kyran matched his pace with her so she wouldn't trip.

When they arrived at the edge of the pool, Kyran activated the Regis Body Tempering Technique to check if any beasts were lurking in the water. Fortunately, apart from small fishes and water plants, there were no beasts. He also confirmed that the water was nontoxic before he led the girl to the side, where a smaller pool of water surrounded by boulders was located.

The water in this area was warmer, perfect for the girl whose body was full of wounds.