Search For The Rare Stone (1)

To discuss his plans, Kyran decided to return to the cabin first. They were lucky that they did not encounter anyone after leaving Nolan's domain and could go to the cottage without delay.

Kyran led the way, and upon arriving five meters from the cottage's array, just as Silas had said because of the key Kyran possessed, he immediately perceived the array formation. He was surprised to know that the array's calculation was directly shown into his mind the moment he touched the array's invisible barrier.

With the use of his magic, Kyran channeled his magic energy into the array calculation and made some adjustments. The adjustments he did were not too much because the changes must still depend on the materials used on the array.

Kyran could only strengthen the array's effect and grant Nolan, Gage, and the still unconscious Anette, who lay on the black wooden board Nolan was pulling with his magic, entry to the cottage.