Search For The Rare Stone (8)

"Wait!" Kyran hissed and grabbed Anette's arm pulling her back into the cellar.

"What?" Anette exclaimed in surprise as she looked at Kyran questioningly.

A thin purple disc appeared on Kyran's right palm as he reached for the hovering blue orb, destroying it instantly. Simultaneously, he activated the Regis Body Tempering Technique and observed the surrounding.

Everything happened in under three seconds.

Initially surprised by Kyran's action, Anette realized something was wrong with his expression and remained silent.

Kyran closed his eyes and strained his ears. In just two seconds, he finally heard footsteps at least thirty meters away from their location. Based on the weight of the steps, it was done by humans, and they were a lot. Right now, he could not judge the exact number nor guess what they were doing.