Second Sigil

Kyran did not bother asking Anette to use the transmission scroll because he already had a memory of the cottage where he planned to go. Apart from this, he had taken Zephyr with them. With the restrictions from the array around the cottage, Zephyr would not be allowed to enter, so Kyran needed to be the first one to step into the cottage and give him access.

As he appeared in the cottage with Anette and Zephyr, Kyran found Nolan, Silas, and Gage gathered around the dining table.

By the dining area, the three gaped at Kyran and Anette—whom they only recognized from their clothes—then at the boy with the unusual colored long hair on the floor. If they did not know how powerful the cottage's array restrictions were, they would have thought they were under attack.

"Back so soon?"