Don't Jinx Me

Kyran activated the Regis Tempering Technique and specifically selected the bones and flesh of his forearms to strengthen. Afterwhich, he endured the pain as he locked the man's claws in place.

While the man looked at him in disbelief, Kyran already pulled down his arms and, focusing the Regis Tempering Technique on his head, rammed the man—err—wolf man's chin.

"Guh!" Muto almost blacked out from the attack's force as his head drew back.

Kyran released the Regis Tempering Technique, and the man's claws loosened on his forearms.

Before he could jump back, the man's hand automatically grabbed his right leg, pulling him up before slamming him down on the paved ground.

Kyran gritted his teeth. The moment he was only inches away from getting slammed on the paved ground, he twisted his body and rammed his fists on the ground to counter his fall. Using his free leg, he pulled back and hit the wolf man's head.