Who The Hell Are You?

It took Kyran five minutes to understand the structure of the cube. Its size was no more than fifty kilometers in all directions. When he tried to punch the 'walls', it somehow absorbed the force of his punch and received no damage. Then he noticed that each time he hit the wall, black rune writings would appear where his fist would land. If Kyran was right, the effect of these rune writings was to absorb physical attacks.

After a few seconds of deliberation, Kyran molded a Void Spear and attacked the wall. He managed to damage the wall, but soon after, the black run writings appeared once more and repaired the damaged part.

It turned out that the calculations on the black rune writings were made to absorb physical and magic attacks.

However, Kyran's Void magic was much more effective than when he utilized his Draconic magic to boost his physical strength.