Worked Too Well

Kyran glared at Nolan.

"I did not kidnap her. Didn't godmother tell you why I left?"

Nolan gave him a blank expression and shrugged, "She said you're going to kidnap someone who can heal your core—ow!."

A big spoon suddenly landed at the back of his head. He spun around and glared at Anette, who was standing behind him with a scowl.

"Don't make things up! I never said anything about him going out to kidnap anyone."

"You don't have to hit me," Nolan growled at her.

"I'll hit you as many times as I want!" Anette growled back.

Kyran watched their banter awkwardly. He already guessed that they liked to bicker, but in truth, they cared about each other...

'Okay, stop. Don't got there,' Kyran told himself when his thoughts started to drift out of their course.

Whatever relationship his godmother and Nolan had was none of his business.

Kyran cleared his throat and said to Anette, "I need help. She's wounded."