Finding Clues

Kyran chose the room opposite Cyneah's. It was the same room where he, Nolan and Zephyr had talked as well. He chose this room because it was at the far end and most of the rooms near the stairs were occupied. He also did not want to be disturbed by people going up and down the stairs.

As Kyran stood in front of the room, he glanced at the door to Cyneah's room.

Zephyr, standing behind him, saw this and immediately sighed in his heart. His master worried too much about his woman.

"She is still sleeping. You don't have to worry," Zephyr told Kyran after hearing Cyneah's even breathing inside the room.

Normal people would not be able to hear it, but Zephyr was originally a Quilin, and his sense of hearing was by default strong.