You Wouldn't Want To Mess With Me

A faint smile appeared on Anette's face as she studied Cyneah's determined expression. She felt how much Cyneah wanted to repay Kyran's kindness by healing his core. It might not be enough to repay all the debt, but Anette knew that Cyneah believed it could at least prove that his decision to save her was not without gain. In the future, as long as Cyneah learns how to use her magic properly and perfects the use of magic sense, she could be of help to Kyran.

All of these, Anette understood. In the past, she also had a similar experience. After being granted a second life, Anette decided to study Alchemy. Because her magic was not powerful enough to help her benefactors, she decided to learn Alchemy to become their support.

"It is not enough," Anette answered Cyneah's question after a short pause.

Anette did not come up with that answer on the spur of the moment.