What Happened To Your Handsome Face?

The next day, Kyran and Nolan appeared fifty kilometers outside of Starhorn.

Since they ran on a tight schedule, they did not travel normally. They also did not want to waste any transmission scrolls, so they used Kyran's warp ability.

To Kyran's utmost amazement and, perhaps, annoyance, Nolan was not affected by his warping abilities. Alas, there would still be people unaffected by his warp's hidden deadly capability. It left him feeling a little bitter, knowing he could not take advantage of his warp's secret attack when he got annoyed by Nolan.

Upon entering the gates of Starhorn City, they immediately felt an invisible force wrapping around their body. It seemed to imprint itself in their bodies, trying to pry some information about them. Aside from its added range, this force was a new feature added to the city's magic detector tower.

The Void's magic energy inside Kyran immediately circulated, blocking the invisible force.