Training Result (3)

When the man who went inside the tree obelisk's area returned with the rest of the numas, they all looked at him with grave expressions. To them, his sudden return signified that the tree of obelisk could no longer help them.

For hundreds of years, their tribe had tried to rely on the tree of obelisk's energy to sustain what little life left in their world. It was the only thing the sovereign allowed them to do. Once, their predecessors ventured outside their haven and tried to revive the obelisks that had stopped working. When the sovereign found out, he killed all of their predecessors and even destroyed the tribes they belonged to. Since then, they had stopped and only relied on the obelisks left.

Today, after they witnessed the Sovereign of Ruin's anger, they did their best to pray. Unfortunately, the destruction of their world became more apparent.