Do You Wish To Proceed?

The three rewards Kyran chose were one of the purple slips, the purple with gold accents hammer, and the black and purple book. These three were the items that made his Void core tremble. But he did not choose them just for this reason.

He might not know what the purple slip he chose contained, but he felt that it had Void knowledge his predecessor might not possess. Apart from this, unlike the other two slips, it was the only one with a slight golden glow.

Then there was the hammer. Kyran believed his Void core trembled not because of his predecessor's experience resonating with it but because of his own experience. He knew his predecessor had a different specialty different from him. They both learned Array Creation, but Kyran did not focus only on one branch of Array, which was the Array Formation. He wanted to learn Array Forging, which branched out in magic weapon or item crafting and enhancements.