Breezing Through (2)

After restoring the tower, Kyran made his way inside without asking Olivia's consent. Although, even if he did ask her, she would have agreed with a gaping look. Because as of the moment, she had not recovered from the shock of seeing the tower getting restored in thin air.

As Kyran went up the tower, Olivia followed him still wearing an expression of disbelief and wonderment. What she had witnessed was something she had never seen before. The closest she had seen something like this was a Transmuter she knew trying to create a weapon. But creating a weapon using one's magic and adding more components into it was different from a tower that had been destroyed, getting restored from nothing.

'Did I get it wrong? Could his magic be Time and not Void?' She wondered suddenly doubting her initial assessment of him. Now that she thought of it, he could also appear and disappear from one place to another if he used Time magic.