

Kyran hit the ground with a loud boom as he got buried five meters under.

The surrounding air, which had been covered by a cloud of smoke that had started to lift, was surrounded by it again.

"That's three minutes," Cade said. His voice reverberated in the surroundings while he hovered in midair, looking at the small crater where Kyran had landed. "Are you done?"

Kyran, who was still feeling dizzy from having his head bashed by Cade, lay at the bottom of the crater with his eyes closed. After hearing his father's mocking tone, he snapped his eyes open and could not help but glare at the silhouette within the cloud of smoke above.

'Heartless, inhuman, beast!' He ranted inwardly.

What did Cade mean that he was done? He was only catching his breath, alright. Besides, they barely started, and he had not even exerted 10% of what he could do. Cade didn't have to sound as if he had already won.