Five Days

For more than an hour, Cade and Kyran talked.

Normally, Kyran did not like people asking him questions, but Cade's questions made it easy to answer. In True Void's opinion, however, it was because 'Cade' was still the essence of Kyran's father, so the latter was acting partially.

Cade and Kyran's talk consisted mainly of what had happened to the Regis Clan and what Kyran did after the Royal Army raided the estate.

During Kyran's narrative, he noticed he no longer felt restless when talking about his clan's situation. At first, he thought maybe he had gotten used to it. In real-time, it was only close to a month since the army raided the Regis Estate, but to Kyran, it had been more than a year.

The more Kyran talked to Cade, Kyran realized the reason he no longer felt restless was that Cade's presence assured him. Notwithstanding Cade's strength, his ability to read ahead of a situation with little data left Kyran speechless.