
The instant they heard Gunter, almost every eye of the blacksmiths and specialists inside bulged open.

"What did he say?"


"Did I hear it right? Disciple Tyr?"

Conversations suddenly erupted inside.

Those blacksmiths and specialists who chose to ignore what Gunter planned to do also perked up and looked at the entrance again.

Kyran sighed in his heart. He knew he could not avoid facing these people. But he wanted to work on his 'project' as soon as possible. He did not want to go through all the trouble of showing his face and meeting the rest of the order's members. As far as he knew about Tyr's character, he did not like showing up in front of others. Besides, he was not really Tyr. However, there was not a real Tyr in the first place.

Apart from this, Kyran did not want these people to have any ideas of sucking up on him or something, now that he showed up.