Disciple Tyr's Work (1)

Anette sighed inwardly. She looked at Kyran in silence, with mixed emotions.

She wanted to know what happened that led him to kill the previous Kaiser. There was also the matter of the 'person' backing the Gramen Kingdom. But most of all, she wanted to know how Kyran ended up going to that plane.

'It took me three years in the tower before allowing me to train in another plane. Then it took me another two years, before learning about the Sovereigns. That is how I came to understand they were the ones who stirred the war to rule the plane in Myedeo. Are you telling me Kyran has already trained for that long in the tower? And his first training outside the tower was in Myedeo?'

Recalling something Kyran had said, Anette shook her head inwardly, 'Wait. He said another person has been persistent in trying to kill him. He will not say that if he has not met that person on numerous occassions. Don't tell me...'