A Masked Threat (2)

Since there had been no development in harvesting the rare stone, Freya ordered some of her team to return.

They were not with her this past few days because she had tasked some of them in finding the one who killed Owen and the rest. Because they had conclusive evidence that the one who killed them was not the Quilin.

At first they thought the killer was among those people who trespassed a few weeks ago. But they had evidence that after the death of Owen, Dess and Quinne's death, a number of Templar Code members were chasing the trespassers in the forest outside Noser City.

If those trespassers went back to the ruins, it would be impossible for them to suddenly appear in the forest. The Shaiha ruins was too far from the forest and even if one burned a number of teleportation tokens, it would be impossible to get that far away.