Undying Valkyrie

The moment Kyran finished speaking, his eyes glowed silver as he locked on to the two Templar Code Elite Team members amidst the crowd.

He recognized the two from the golden armor and the aura of an Exalted and a Grand Master they exuded.

Besides the Exalted before him, Kyran sensed three others scattered around the camp. Compared to the one in front, the other three had been staying in one place, unmoving.

Since those three had no plans of coming, Kyran would also go to them after dealing with these people.

"Scatter!" Freya and Reuben ordered at soon as their vision was reduced by the cloud of dust.

All Templar Code members scattered while rousing their magic.

"Turrets! Activate Lumina Array! Forward, encirclement formation! Rear, await for command!" Reuben directed one after another.

The Templar Code members moved as they were told.