
Kyran's eyes narrowed as he saw the dark purple dragon emerge from the silver rings. Apparently, his Sigil also achieved an upgrade in accordance with the boost in his magic knowledge. Though he was a little surprised to see the dragon in the Sigil's circle had Void attributes as well as Draconic.

'Hm?' Kyran tilted his head to the side as he looked at the burly man's back.

A few seconds ago, the man was still struggling, but once the dragon emerged from the silver rings, he suddenly turned rigid.

Then in an almost inaudible mutter, he said, "Dragon..."

Silver, gold, and even purple-colored draconic writings appeared on Kyran's arms which then converged at the back of his hand.

Previously, the silver and gold writings turned into two overlapping dragons, but with the addition of the purple draconic writing, a purple dragon had appeared enclosing the two overlapping dragons as if securing them in place.