Tyr's Temper

Matias shouted Tyr's name with such zeal his magic energy erupted intensely. He even exuded an immense pressure one would think his innate fire magic could not accept the fact it got overpowered by a support type magic.

In an instant, Matias lifted some of the pressure coming from Tyr's magic array boring down on him.

Kyran's expression remained indifferent as he witnessed Matias's magic outburst. He did not seem intimidated by the pressure coming from him. He only looked at him and his people in silence and the members of the order who could see him wondered what he was thinking.

Though Matias lifted some of the pressure coming from 'Tyr's magic,' the white-robed mages behind him were struggling with most still kneeling on the ground.

"Y-Young master…"

Some of them started but stopped unsure of what to say. At the moment, they could not exert any magic energy from their body to properly counter the pressure around them.