Freaking Retard? Or Plain Retard?

The tip of Kyran's staff came down on one of the two remaining white-robed mages, hitting the latter's clavicle at an incredible speed he failed to react in time.


The mage's clavicle broke resulting in one of its pointed areas cutting the flesh on his shoulder


He let out a painful cry as blood gushed out from his open wound.

Before the mage's arm limped on his side, Kyran whipped the other end of his staff toward the last mage. The light golden magic array circling its shaft glowed as it extended and pierced the latter's knee cap.


The force of the staff pierced through the mage's patella and numerous cracks appeared on its surface.


The last mage barely reacted to the pain when Kyran moved in and kicked his shin, aggravating the cracks on the patella to the point where the tibia connected to it got broken off!