Array Competition (1)

Kyran smiled and nodded, "That's right."

He looked at the Lumleys, who were gathered as well, to have a meeting.

"That is a violation of the rules, right?" Hamish said with a slight frown.

As far as they knew, the minimum mage level that could participate in the events was a Master mage, with the exception of combat specialists.

"That doesn't apply with The Three Noble Families," Kyran said with a slight shake of his head. He looked back at them and continued, "The rules on participants only applied to us and the Royal Army."

Owen and Hamish felt cheated by this.

The night before yesterday, when they received a call from President Sigma, telling them they would represent the Blacksmith Order together with Kyran in a joint exercise, they were both nervous and honored.

But, the moment Sigma explained the whole situation, they felt somewhat indignant.