Reflection Meeting

Kyran's eyes narrowed after hearing the female announcer's words. He already knew who was in the 'head committee.' The Crown Princess was one for sure, but that did not mean she was the only one. It involved some people from the Royal Family, including the emperor, and one or two elders from the Courtenay Family, since they were the host.

But Kyran was not in the mood to meet with them. To be specific, he did not want to meet any of the Royal Family.

The conversation he had with the empress was still fresh in his mind and if he had to be honest, the real reason why he did not want to do the mock battle was because that conversation bothered him and knew he would not be able to focus on the match.

A good proof of his lost of focus was when he broke the sword while inspecting it. It was the reason why he did not hesitate to let either Hamish or Owen do the mock battle.

Without waiting for Kyran's reply, the announcer turned and started to leave.