The Regis Young Master (1)

Kyran knew this was not the case, of course. But since he did not know what happened between the Royal Army and the Royal Family before the assimilation happened, he wanted to understand how the noble families saw this event.

"There is that," Ezra agreed. "After all, Emperor Euan's plan is known by most noble families, and some opposed the idea of the Royal Family's union with the Regis Clan. Their opposition is mostly because of the fact that the Winfrey bloodline is very evident in the Crown Princess..."

His voice trailed off, an evident indication of his hesitation to continue. But then he took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and finally said, "The truth, most noble families are aware how the Winfreys coveted the Regis bloodline in the past."

Kyran's eyes narrowed. Not because it was the first time he heard this, but because his Draconic core began to hum inside him.