Interrogation (1)


Savagery's crimson eyes contracted.


How could she unknowingly let herself enter someone else's domain? She was a Sovereign. No matter how the Sovereign's Cradle restrained her magic abilities, it could not affect her experience.

There was no way she would fall into a trap.

Kyran did not give Savagery a chance to process the hows and whats of her situation. After all, he did not bait her into entering his temporary world to 'talk.'

He only had one reason for luring her here. And that was to kill her!

It did not matter whether she ended up being an essence only; he would still kill her!

Kyran's eyes glowed silver, with a reddish-purple tinge around them.

A full purple and silver human-shaped dragon-scale armor manifested and covered Kyran's entire body as he charged toward Savagery.

Savagery's eyes widened at the sudden change in the entity's appearance.