Who Do You Think I Am?

Kyran closed his eyes, lowered his hand touching the layer, and sat cross-legged on the floor. Then he took a few slow deep breaths to calm himself.

After a few seconds, when his mind cleared again, he began reassessing what he had just sensed.

A replicated array would carry the magic signature of the Array Specialist who re-created it. It was almost impossible for one to replicate an array, including the previous Array Specialist's magic signature.

But the key point there was 'almost' impossible. There were ways to replicate it with the previous Array Specialist's magic signature intact.

One way was to find an Array Specialist with an almost similar magic signature to the previous one to recreate the array.

Magic signatures were unique to each mage, but wavelengths and such could be the same, especially when both mages came from the same bloodline.

It made Kyran think of one possibility.

A Regis replicated the array.