
Two members of the Chamber of Commerce took Deo as soon as the match ended. They did not stop and chat with Styx and the others and made their way out.

Styx and the others knew Deo would be taken to Chairman Malia's quarters instead of the dome's infirmary. That had been one of the instructions given to them by the Conclave High Council Members. No matter how trivial it was, they would go to Chairman Malia's quarters, not in the infirmary when they were injured.

Rake gritted his teeth in anger as he glared at Osman in the arena. The latter had already released his flames and was on his way back to their corner. Not once had he shown remorse at what he did to Deo.

Suddenly, Rake heard grinding sounds coming to his left. He turned to look at Kyran but only found his indifferent expression. However, when he looked further to the left, Rake realized that the grinding sound had come from Styx.