
"Major General Kairo, what about you?" The female announcer asked, looking at the Royal Army's corner.

Kairo remained silent. He was looking at Osman, who returned his gaze.

Intially, Kairo wanted to refuse. Even if the crowd accused them of being scared of a Master mage, he did not care. They would not be swayed by the public's opinion. Apart from this, Kairo did not want Osman to fight Tyr in anger. Anger would only muddle one's judgment and would likely make a mistake, which inadvertedly result to letting his opponent win.

However, seeing the look of determination, not to mention clarity in Osman's gaze, Kairo realized that the latter did not challenge Tyr out of anger. The latter had stepped on their pride as officers of the Royal Army with his words and that was something Osman would never tolerate.