
"The Conclave concedes this match. Please stop!"

Stella's voice echoed from the executive booth.

Without waiting for the female announcer to declare the winner, Styx jumped to the arena. He summoned his magic array and a translucent bouche shield appeared before him.

The female announcer frowned at once and reprovingly said, "Stay your hand."

However, Styx ignored her and growled at Kairo, "Move!" He pushed the bouche shield toward Kairo to keep him away from Rake.

"Humph," Kairo sneered and sidestepped, avoiding the shield.

Rake, who received a powerful blow from Kairo's flames, dropped to his knees before falling head first on the ground. He was still conscious but it only made it worse.

A translucent bucker shield appeared before Rake's head hit the ground.

Two Conclave members also rushed into the arena and checked Rake's condition.