
Deception looked at the night sky, and an alluring smile appeared on her delicate face.

Unlike Savagery and Ruin, she did not come to the Human plane in her real form. She only came with her essence. That was why she was not affected by the Sovereign Cradle. The downside, her mage level was only at Exalted. Normally, it would not affect the use of illusions. But she miscalculated her prey's ability. She thought it would be easy to get her things back as long as she pried into his memories. Alas, her prey had not only a monstrous physical ability but also possessed beast-like reflexes while unconscious.

In any case, Deception did plan on coming down to the Human plane in her real form. But she was waiting for Ruin to make a move first. She was not invested in that little girl's game, after all.