The Red General

Black mist-like beasts were either evading from or lunging toward several small black spears moving around in the air.

Ruin also dodged a black spear, which was bigger and thicker than the flying spears that was after his summoned beasts. His red eyes flashed as he turned to face the black spear that wheezed past him. With a wave of his hand, a red glow enveloped his right arm, he punched out, sending a red beam of light toward the spear. Just before the red beam touched the spear, the spear swerved to the left then turned one hundred and eighty degrees back at Ruin.

A smile appeared on Ruin's face. He did not plan on evading the spear this time. His red eyes flashed. A faint red glow enveloped his whole body before he rushed toward the spear. He reached out his right hand and made a grabbing motion at the spear and suddenly, an invisible force like a huge hand seemed to grab hold of it.