
An army of twenty thousand officers with at least two thousand Grand Masters marched into Noser.

Zephyr took a deep breath. Using his ability to transform, he was now disguised as Kyran. However, though they looked the same, he could not use Void magic. Of course, his role here was to only pose as his master, and the fighting would be left to Manti and the others. But that did not lessen his nervousness.

In Zephyr's opinion, as long as the ones charging him did not include any of those people who were familiar with his master, like the Grand Marshal, or the Crown Princess, he might be able to pull it off. But if any of those people were among the army, he might slip.


Iss suddenly hissed on Zephyr's left. Because of his nervousness, Iss's hissing almost made him jumped out of his skin.

"W-What is it?"


Iss repeated.