Macabre (2)

Kyran was instantly overcome with fear as several grim thoughts crossed his mind.

"Seriously, Void Halfling. Can't you warp outside her room? I know she's the first mistress, and it's fine for you to warp in her room. But you're not warping alone right now. I may be a weapon spirit and have no interest in human, but what if she's in the middle of getting dressed or even undressing? She's a young woman, you know. You haven't even bed her. She will be embarrassed if others see her naked apart from you!"

True Void's nonsense snapped Kyran out of his reverie.

"Stop talking nonsense. What do you even mean apart from me?" Kyran snapped at him.

"You don't have to be shy. You already saw her naked. Even held her in your arms when she was stark naked."

Kyran's frown deepened. "How did you know that."