Blitz: Respite (2)

The whole place was lit up by fireflies that danced around the place.

Wooden cubicles, with one or two beds inside, lined up the walls. Almost all the beds were occupied by a human or a Spirit, while different types of small-sized Spirits moved about, taking care of their needs.

At the farthest end, Kyran saw Manti and the others forming a two-line while looking at a cubicle on the highest floor. Inside, three Water Sprites with aquamarine scales and glittering fins on their ears and feet, wore solemn expressions as they aimed their healing magic at the person lying on the bed. Even without using the connection he had with his Sigils, Kyran knew they were healing Zephyr.

The thought instantly made Kyran sigh inwardly. He felt as if Zephyr was fated to suffer every time he got involved with humans. The incident in the Shaiha Ruins, then the time they went to Hanaan, and the back at the Shaihay once again involving the Templar Code.

Now, this.