Gathering (1)

Kyran could not help but wear a complicated expression after hearing the exchange between Myst and Raya. They were part of the Regis Special Force and knew the importance of hiding one's identity and avoiding speaking of things that could be used against oneself.

However, the exchange between the two clearly disregarded these. Besides, Raya killing the Boyd member who noticed Kyran's eye color was unnecessary.

'Could this be their way of intimidating their enemies?' Kyran wondered. 'By showing we won't hesitate to kill, they will cooperate more.'

In a situation where one of two opposing sides successfully dominated the other to continue showing their might. If not, the defeated side could regain their composure and find a chance to turn the situation.

Kyran had done this move quite a number of times, intentionally and unintentionally, especially when he intended to make the other side his Sigil.