Gathering (3)

During the memory extraction, Kyran was not idle. He silently observed from the side while taking note of Ingrid's reaction to each person Raya would perform the extraction.

Kyran knew that Ingrid went through intense training to control her emotions, which was why he asked Myst to 'torture' her with his magic. In an exhausted state, cracks would appear on a person's facade. No matter how much they try to hide their emotions. Such was human nature. But on an off chance that there was such a person, and Ingrid could be that one, Kyran also judged the magic energy fluctuation around her to determine her mood.

When Raya extracted the memory of the woman Kyran pointed at, there was a slight change in her complexion, and the magic energy fluctuation around her lowered. Her reaction was a tell-tale sign that she had a good relationship with the woman.