Descent (2)

The more Kyran pondered, the more he felt anxious. He did not doubt Nolan's strength, but he was up against Sovereigns. Apart from this, he had no information about them.

"Young master! Please, slow down!" Raya's call snapped Kyran out of his reverie.

As soon as the three saw the fiery ball appear, they immediately decided to go there.

Initially, Kyran wanted to warp directly to the fiery ball's location, but Myst reminded him that other factions were observing nearby. If they appeared in a location where those people were hiding nearby, the news of the new Dark Sage would really spread throughout the empire and cause an additional problem.

Kyran no longer cared about hiding his identity, but he did not want to cause unnecessary panic. With the appearance of the fiery ball, the empire was already in an uproar. If news of the new Dark Sage's appearance added into the mix, his enemies could also pin this incident on him and add fuel to the fire.