When It Rains, It Pours (6)

Haylee met with the rest of the Boyd's elders, and they told them what happened while she was sleeping.

The truth was she already expected the Sovereigns outside the Human plane to force their way in because it was impossible for them to enter normally with the Sovereign's Cradle in place.

If it was a month or two ago, Haylee could have them enter the plane the way Ruin, along with Deception and Savagery, had. However, that entry was inside the Winfrey's Ancestral Lands. And the ancestral lands could only be opened during the Winfrey Inheritance's trial. Now that Haylee had acquired the Inheritance, the ancestral lands had closed and could not be opened again.

Because of this, Haylee could only wait and had Osric keep an eye on their arrival so he could greet them.