My Name is Stella

When Kyran appeared inside the biggest tent in the temporary encampment outside the Tower of Conclave, he was greeted by Hugh and Malia. It was as if they were expecting his arrival.

After that, they took him at a private tent near the huge tent. The tent was meant for the Emperor Euan, but since he went in the Ravenpass, no one was there. At least, that was what Kyran thought.

Before they could reach the tent's entrance, Kyran already sensed who was inside and he could not help but frown.

Obviously, Hugh and Malia was going to take him to Stella. But at the moment Kyran did not want to meet her. Not because of the little scene with Cyneah, but because Light was still around.

Kyran did not bring Light with him when he warped to the Tower of Conclave. Nevertheless, she was able to follow him because of the nature of her magic. As long as there was the presence of light near Kyran, Light could easily find him.