Four Vs. Seven?

Light felt indignant at Kyran's reaction to the reveal of one of Ruin's strengths. He acted as if he could not care less when he was the one who asked about it.

In the end, Light did not dwell on it and complied with Kyran's demand to know about what the Sovereigns outside could do.

Kyran entered an empty tent and listened to Light's explanation in silence. But as he listened to her, his expression began to darken.

The seven Sovereigns possessed different types of magic that the Human plane had not seen before. If Kyran had to categorize them, they would fall under the unconventional magic type, making it harder for humans to deal with them.

In general, mages in the Human plane possess element-type magic: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Light— support-type magic actually falls under the Light element— and so on. The only ones that do not fall under this category are the Ancient magic that Kyran, Haylee, and Stella possessed.