War (2)

Deception's body stiffened, not only from the pressure that suddenly fell from above but also from fear.

She knew who that voice belonged to and feared the judgment he would mete out.

No one knew she wanted to capture the new Dark Sage for herself until Ruin spilled the beans. If the ones who heard him were only the six Sovereigns beside her, she could still come up with a convincing lie to make it sound like Ruin was lying. If a normal lie was not enough, she could use her magic to make them change their perspective. Her magic was not powerful offensively, but in this type of situation, no one could top her— at least, no one among the six Sovereigns.

But he was different.

After all, he was one of the leading figures of the Radical Order.

Sovereign of Obstruction.

His magic could easily obstruct the magic influence of Deception.